Questions leaders should ask to have better one-on-one meetings.

Hands from people sitting across a table, holding cups

Are you worried about saying the right thing?

One-on-one meetings with your employees can be a drag when you spend most of the time flapping YOUR gums.

When really — what you ask is far more important than what you say.

Here are some questions that will help you to have better conversations with your employees —

  • How confident do you feel about the direction we’re headed?

  • What’s something you’d like to be recognized for?

  • How’s your week been?

  • Last week you were concerned about X, how do you feel now?

  • What questions do you have about {that new thing we rolled out}?

  • What’s something you’re loving about work right now?

  • What’s something that concerns you about work right now?

  • How are things going with our team?

  • What’s something you’d love for us/me to start doing?

  • What’s something you’d love for us/me to stop doing?

  • What feedback do you have for me?

  • Is there anything that I’m forgetting?


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