About Us

We empower leaders in building thriving company cultures that inspire excellence, drive growth, and positively impact the lives of employees.

After working with us, clients walk away with a process that creates previously unattainable levels of productivity, a communication model that systematically preserves and lights up their best employees, and a reputation that will have top talent begging to work for them.

On August 2023, we rebranded from KPMashburn to Nurturely Work. Over the years, we've evolved and grown in response to the changing market dynamics and the evolving needs of our valued clients and we realized that our brand needed a refresh that better communicates who we are and our aspirations.

Meet the team

  • Kristen Mashburn


    Kristen loves to build strong work cultures. She is passionate about aligning and empowering teams.

    Before Nurturely Work, Kristen was leading high-performing teams in the financial sector and winning dozens of marketing awards such as the CUNA’s Marketing Professional of the Year Award.

    She moved from the marketing to the employee experience space, founding Nurturely Work in 2018. Here, she guides the vision of the company, provides resources and support for the team, and performs consulting work.

    She is also a mom, and a community leader.


  • Helena Dias


    Helena has a background in operations management, improving client experience, and increasing process efficiency.

    At Nurturely Work, she develops and implements business strategies, automates processes, and works to enable the team to deliver an efficient service to our clients. She focuses on special internal projects, process improvement and collaborating with Kristen on the company's overarching strategic vision to ensure growth and sustainability.


  • Baylee Fincher

    Baylee Fincher


    Baylee is our administrative and marketing assistant with a focus on coordinating and planning client events. With years of experience, Baylee loves to organize events that embrace a positive company culture and create memorable experiences.

    Baylee also manages daily administrative tasks, providing essential support to the Nurturely Work team, maintaining seamless operations, and creating a positive and productive work environment.

    She is also a wife, work-from-home homeschooling mom of 4, and an amateur gardener who loves the outdoors.


  • Justin Carter


    Justin is passionate about helping organizations develop strong, effective strategies that drive success. He specializes in business strategy, leadership development, and positive organizational practices.

    With over two decades of experience, Justin has worked as a professor, consultant, and executive coach, guiding students and business leaders around the world. His research on workplace positivity has been published in leading journals and featured in Inc., Forbes, and Psychology Today.

    He is also a husband, father, and an avid fisherman.
