Now is not the time to “TURTLE” with your team.
Don’t turtle with your team.
If you don’t know what turtling is, well, it’s not really that scientific, don’t worry.
When things get crazy, a turtle hides in his shell to minimize any risk to himself.
As I talk with leaders about how they have felt for the last month or so, many of them tell me about this natural inclination to hide in their shells.
Are you afraid to say the wrong thing, wondering if maybe it’s just better to say nothing at all?
Do you wish you could simply cross your fingers and hope that the same amount of work is done this month as was done last month?
How would this leave your team feeling?
Extreme pressure to perform
Less productive
Knowing this, we must fight the desire to hide and play defense. We must be active in our teams’ lives (even when we are remote).
Conducting virtual water coolers
Revisiting expectations
Celebrating the things that are going well
Surveying employees (if you don’t know how to do this right, ask me)
Those that will excel during this time will be on the offense. Focusing on getting ahead of problems, instead of waiting for them to happen to them.