Common Backhanded Compliments That Need to GO

Here are some common backhanded compliments I’ve come across in my line of work that need to GO:

  • “You’re a VP? Wow. You’re so lucky.”

  • “I never would have thought you’d be capable of that. Great job.”

  • “You’re pretty talented for your age.”

  • “That’s such a difficult degree, never would’ve imagined you’d studied that.”

  • “You are pretty nice for an accountant.”

  • “You look great in your headshot; you must have had a great photographer.”

  • “You’re actually quite tech savvy for a Boomer.”

Here’s the thing — it’s likely that the person giving the compliment means well, but is it the thought that counts?

A group of Harvard Business School researchers say — backhanded compliments are actually successful in reducing motivation. You can read more about it here.

Here’s what to say instead —

  • “You’re a VP? That’s incredible. Congrats!”

  • “Great job.”

  • “You’re so talented.”

You get the idea. 😉




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