What good leaders don’t say. (And what you should say instead)

Small wooden blocks with printed letters

Leaders, words are important.

Instead of …, say ….:

  • It’s not why haven’t you done this — it’s how can I help

  • It’s not failure is not an option — it’s what’s next if we fail

  • It’s not we’ve always done it that way — it’s tell me more

  • It’s not nice job — it’s you were so patient with that customer today, I admire that

  • It’s not that’s not my job — it’s let’s figure this out together

  • It’s not I was right — it’s {silence} 

  • It’s not what’s wrong with you — it’s what’s wrong with me

  • It’s not I don’t have time — it’s I always make time when it’s important

  • It’s not I’m in charge — it’s let’s weigh out our next moves together 

  • It’s not I did it — it’s we did it

  • It’s not keep doing what you’re doing — it’s your copywriting on that campaign has been incredible

  • It’s not I can’t talk right now — it’s I’m in the middle of something now can we chat at 3

  • It’s not that’s not important — it’s tell me what concerns you about this

  • It’s not leave your personal life at home — it’s is there anything bothering you

If you’ve ever found yourself saying any phrases on the left-hand side, you’re not alone. These are common. 

But they leave teams feeling:

  • Unheard

  • Unappreciated

  • Disengaged

Words matter. 


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