What does it mean to be a good leader?

Being a good leader isn't making EVERYONE happy all the time.

Sometimes being a good leader is:

  • Giving someone a job

  • Congratulating someone on a job well done

  • Celebrating a team win

But, often, being a good leader is:

  • Letting someone go

  • Providing constructive criticism

  • Mourning a project that failed

Said a different way - you can't be a good leader when you:

  • Hang on to teammates that bring down the team

  • Avoid giving negative feedback

  • Ignore failures and only focus on the positive

You may not be able to make everyone happy, but you can work to make everyone else better.  Sometimes, being a good leader will not mean an immediate payoff for you. But if you make the tough decisions and changes, you have led well and your team will be thankful for it and for you.


If you get the culture right…


Are you listening to understand? Or to speak?