There are things your team isn’t telling you.

There are things your team isn’t telling you.

Based on my experience speaking with employees, here’s what they are not saying:

  • They are being harassed or bullied by another team member

  • They have been looking for another job

  • They feel very uncomfortable in the future of the company

  • Their project is behind

  • They have some major issues going on at home

What’s the alternative? Trust.

For me, trust can be one of those fuzzy feel good words that sometimes seems to have lost meaning.

So, if you’re like me, maybe this will help. Here’s an incredible definition for trust by

Brené Brown (paraphrased, of course) —

  • Reliability - Doing what you say you’ll do again and again.

  • Accountability - When you make a mistake, you’re willing to own it.

  • Vault - Keeping a confidence.

  • Integrity - Practicing your values, not just professing your values.

  • Non-judgment - You and I both can struggle and ask for help.

  • Generosity - Assuming the most generous thing about my words and intentions.

  • Boundaries - There is no trust without boundaries.

What do you think? Want to learn more about how to accomplish some of these goals? I offer free 30-minute virtual sessions to talk about practically anything. Let’s chat!


Are you listening to understand? Or to speak?


Good Intentions ≠ Good Culture