Prepping for One-on-One Meetings

Two young man playing basketball

“How are things going?” - A simple question that can change your entire relationship.


Today we are focusing on One-on-One meetings. These are short and frequent check-ins between leaders and employees.


They are one of the best ways to build good communication and enhance your office relationships. 


These meetings provide you with time to check-in with your employees and see how things are going in their world. By setting aside this time, you can make them feel valued and heard.


Maya Angelou is quoted saying, "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


Here are 3 simple steps to prep for your One-on-One:

  1. Get it on the calendar - set aside a short period of time every week to talk with your employees, taking the time to make time helps everyone refocus

  2. Keep it casual - this time should be stress-free for your employees, as they should not feel like they have to have a prepared agenda, but rather a time for them to freely communicate

  3. Focus on them - let your employees guide the conversation and listen to what they have to say, the benefit comes when they feel that you are understanding them

These meetings can be intimidating for both parties. I want to make the process easier for all leaders. Head over to the “shop” tab and check out the tools I have available!


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