How Awkward Pauses Build Trust With Your Team

Leaders, want to build trust with your teams? Try awkward pauses.

⬆️ Awkward, right?

As leaders (and humans), we’re often so concerned with creating a smooth comfortable dialogue that we fail to really hold space for others. Consequently, people don’t say what they need to say to build trusting relationships.

It looks something like this —

Leader: “How have you been?”

Team Member: “Busy, but good.”

Leader: “Good. Tell me more.”

Team Member: * Shares something very surface level. (Website launched. Vacation next week. Sales pipeline looks good.) *

Leader: * Nods head. Says nothing. Just pauses. *

Team Member: * Shares something much vulnerable. (Project isn’t going to be on time. They are overwhelmed. Their mom is sick.) *

Believe me. This can be awkward for everyone at first. But, more importantly, they WILL share.

I practice this all the time, and I’d say 95% of the time even the most guarded individual will offer me very valuable information.

(After all, they want to fill the awkward space!)

Of course, this only builds trust if you truly care about your team. But, you’re a good leader, so I know you do! 🤗


“It’ll never stick.”


Every CEO is a Chief Cultural Officer.