Good Intentions ≠ Good Culture

Paint in mixed color dripping on white background

Does the healthy version of you ever shop for groceries?

Then the anxious/busy/sad version of you has trouble finding anything to eat?

See — good intentions ≠ good health.

In the same way, good intentions ≠ good culture.

I often hear, “my boss is a good person, but a terrible boss”. This is why having SYSTEMS are critical.

Here are the four systems that I recommend to cultivate a culture that is high performing —

  • Create a culture code

  • Create a communication pattern

  • Concentrate on strengths

  • Celebrate wins

Once the systems are in place, followthrough is so much easier. Then people will be talking less about your intentions and more about what an incredible boss you are.


Do This, Not That — Company Culture Edition


Nothing against ping pong tables, but… (Here’s what company culture is actually about.)