5 Signs Your Team Needs Better Boundaries

🚨 5 Signs your team needs better boundaries🚨

  • Meetings routinely don’t start on time.

  • Team members are routinely working late or through lunch.

  • Cell phones or laptops cause a lot of distractions.

  • Projects are constantly stalling because of “more pressing” issues.

  • Light-hearted sarcasm gets mean or simply disrespectful.

As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is setting your team up for success. However, it is pretty rare for your team or a team member to say that they are burned out or need help with boundaries.

Recognizing these signs will help your team create good boundaries BEFORE you start losing employees to burnout.

If your team is displaying one or more of these signs and you’d like to chat with me about it, schedule a free 30-minute meeting on my calendar here.


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