Having Trouble Making Good On Good Intentions?

If you're wondering why you're having trouble making good on your good intentions, allow me to offer a solution —


Whether you call them processes, systems, habits, these are the frameworks that we use to get stuff done.

🏃‍♀️ Want to walk in the morning? Lay out your tennis shoes and set your alarm every night.

🍳 Want to make home-cooked meals? Create a weekly menu and prep as much as you can ahead.

In the same way —

🗣 If you want to build the habit of communication, send recurring invites for 10-minute weekly meetings with each of your direct employees.

💚 If you want your employees to feel appreciated, each morning write down your what you're grateful for.

Your ability to treat your people well relies on good systems that will set you up for success.

Make sure you’re building systems that support your intentions.


If You Struggle To Set Boundaries At Work, Read This.


Let’s Talk About Taking Time Off.