People Have Emotions. Even At Work.

🚨 People have emotions. Even at work. 🚨

Emotional culture, though often overlooked, is always present in our organizations.

Did you know that there’s loads of research that shows that emotions are critical in how people perform tasks?

➡️ More recent studies are showing us that “emotional culture influences employee satisfaction, burnout, teamwork, and even hard measures such as financial performance and absenteeism” (Barsade & O’Neil 2016).

While we can’t “make” people feel a certain way (goodness knows I’ve tried!), we certainly can be intentional about how we’d like them to feel.

It's as though emotions have their own invisible thread weaving through the fabric of the workplace, shaping everything from our individual well-being to the overall success of the company.

Just like a conductor guiding an orchestra, leaders and team members alike can influence the emotional symphony playing out in their workplace.

And here's the magic: acknowledging and embracing the emotional aspect of the workplace allows us to create an environment where people feel heard, valued, and supported.

It's not about suppressing emotions or pretending they don't exist – it's about cultivating a culture where authenticity and emotional well-being are valued as much as deadlines and deliverables.

âś… Let's embrace the emotions that come with the territory, and in doing so, create a workplace that thrives on authenticity, connection, and collective success.


Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Workday


If You Struggle To Set Boundaries At Work, Read This.